Friday, August 19, 2011

Ron Paul Supporter Being Tacky!

Dear Friends,

It's really distressful that a supporter of Ron Paul's would be so desperate as to publish such a slanderous article in the Austin Chronicle about Governor Rick Perry. Maybe, that supporter felt the competition was too hot for his candidate. Ron Paul should denounce a supporter who took the low road and chose not to focus on the important issues that face us in these challenging times. Infighting within a party does only harm to all the candidates. This is what certain factions within the party are hoping to attain. It seems as though there are those who have ulterior motives and seek personal gain. They, selfishly, are missing the big picture of what and who America needs.

A Patriot,

Carolyn Farb

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree with you, Carolyn. The GOP has a bad habit of fracturing itself from within, instead of closing ranks to provide a unified effort. The best thing Ron Paul could do would be to immediately disavow the originator of the gutter-tactic.
